Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Collision Course with Evil?

Is our world on a collision course with evil, traversing a road to the extinction of the human race?

One only needs to read the newspaper or turn on the television to find that negativity dominates the landscape. It would be refreshing, to say the least, if there were a news program that focused on all the good things people do every day where we could be inspired by their contributions to the advancement of our civilization and humankind. But, I'm told that nobody would watch - would you?

With nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons in the hands of some fanatics, how long do you think it will take before an event of catastrophic proportions is unleashed; releasing a black death like no other the world has ever seen, along with untold repercussions, mutations on multiple levels, and their short and long term consequences?

In the last decade alone, I've read that there have been over 20 new diseases and counting. How is it that so many new diseases are being formed? Any one of these diseases or viruses could turn into an epidemic, or worse, pandemic that could kill millions of people. Imagine the series of inevitable events that would follow a pandemic or nuclear exchange. Economies of the world would crumble to a halt resulting in famine and more deaths with expediential fervor. It would give new meaning to the phrase, "Survival of the Fittest."

It doesn't seem enough that natural disasters have been increasing at an alarming rate. No, some humans are trying to take chaos, suffering, and mayhem to another level with their continued terrorist activities. But even that isn't enough. These mentally deranged, criminally sick people won't be happy until they also acquire nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. But, to what end? During the last days of WW II, the entire world witnessed the potential of what such a diabolical exchange would surely be. Now with thousands of nuclear bombs poised for action, all it would take is one fanatic entity to push a button, or explode a dirty bomb, unleashing the beast and a chain reaction unimaginable to some future result; with our survival less than certain.

The toxins and chemicals in our air, water, and food; along with the processing of our foods have been going on for decades. What are the results of all these chemicals introduced into the environment; and what have all of these manipulations of nature done and continue to do to our health and DNA?

As if that isn't enough, people take prescription and/or illegal drugs to cope with or escape reality, or to simply try to cure something that might have been avoided all together had we not challenged nature in the first place.

20th century ingenuity, invention, innovation, and creativity, have benefited all of mankind into the 21st century, but not without also creating problems like global warming, pollution, and diseases.

We find ourselves surrounded with perversions, moral degradation, and dangerous criminal mental illnesses wandering the streets; a lack of character and distortions of the truth where people manipulate it for their own self-serving purposes. The media only fuels the fear, preying on those fears.

On the other hand there are millions of people, who every day of their lives, are dedicated to making our world a better place to live in, even while under the constant shadow of our potential extinction where all of us are bombarded with negativity every single day. I find it interesting and curious, even incredulous that we're NOT instead pleasantly showered with people's high achievements and the hard work and dedication it took them to get there.

Do you think we could reverse this long standing trend of negative poisons by giving recognition, importance, and praise to the good and righteous among us? Do you think this would have a positive impact on all of our lives?

Do you think people can make a difference, or do you think World War III is inevitable?

The Internet could provide a forum for possible solutions, empowering large numbers of people that could collectively positively influence the powers that be. From the chaotic world events seemly at our doorstep, to our own negative intrusions disrupting our individual lives, can we use the Internet to solve some of these problems by Gather-ing up workable solutions? Maybe someone could create an open (none membership) world meeting place; a meeting of the minds for the world to seek solutions to the problems that will inevitably effect us all.

Do you think positive thinking and its uplifting influences' impact our lives resulting in raising us up into the light, in contrast to the negative heaviness that drags us down into the darkness?

Imagine millions of Internet voices and petitions making a difference for a better world.

Simon T.